Prague recipe for a fluent API. Usually a building block for something like prague-botbuilder).
To install
npm install -S prague-fluent
To use
import { Helpers } from 'prague-fluent';
const { tryInOrder, ifMatches, ifTrue, ifMessage, ifText, ifRegExp } = new Helpers<YOUR_ROUTABLE_FORMAT>();
const router =
ifRegExp(/howdy|hi|hello/i).thenDo(c => c.reply(`Hello to you!`)),
ifRegExp(/what time is it/).thenDo(c => c.reply(`It's showtime.`)),
ifRegExp(/my name is (.*)/).thenDo((c, matches) => c.reply(`Nice to meet you, ${matches[1]}`))
.defaultDo(c => c.reply("I will never understand you humans"))
.elseDo(c => c.reply("non-message activity"))
let routable: YOUR_ROUTABLE_FORMAT = { }
.then(routed => console.log("routed", routed));